Enable a proposer


  1. Visit the TaikoL1 contract on Sepolia Etherscan

    Navigate to the TaikoL1 contract(opens in a new tab) on Sepolia.

    Click Connect to Web3 and connect your wallet.

  2. Enter deposit amount

    Click depositTaikoToken and enter the amount of TTKO you would like to deposit followed by 8 zeroes.

⚠️ Make sure to click the plus sign and add 10^8 decimals, or add 8 zeroes manually.

For example if you want to deposit 69 TTKO, you would enter 6900000000.

  1. Deposit your TTKO

    Click Write and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  2. Open .env file in simple-taiko-node

    Open the .env file in the simple-taiko-node directory.

  3. Set environment variables to enable a proposer

    Set the following environment variables to enable your node as a proposer:

    • Set ENABLE_PROPOSER to true (replacing the default false with true).

    • Set L1_PROPOSER_PRIVATE_KEY to that of your wallet's private key; it will need some TTKO on Sepolia to propose blocks (if using MetaMask, follow these directions to retrieve the private key(opens in a new tab)).

    • Set L2_SUGGESTED_FEE_RECIPIENT to the recipient of L2 ETH rewards.

  4. Verify proposer logs

    You should see a log if you have proposed a block: 📝 Propose transactions succeeded.

    If you are running a node in the background, you can view the logs with docker compose logs -f.

For example if you want to deposit 69 TTKO, you would enter 6900000000.

Last updated